2010.4.1 高雄律師-楊岡儒律師
◎原標題:法學英文選讀(7)訴訟權導讀1:訴訟權(The Right of Instituting Legal Proceedings;The Right of Legal Actions)與正當法律程序(Due Process of Law)
上次選讀了『正當法律程序原則(Due Process of Law)』,此次將以『訴訟權』之角度為切入,其內涵含括:『法院救濟之核心內容』。而關於訴訟救濟制度,廣泛面向之司法制度觀察上,則包含『法院之管轄事件』(例如:普通法院(含學理上所稱之民事、刑事法院;實務上之民事庭及刑事庭)、行政法院,乃至專業法院之智慧財產法院),以及『個別法院之之審級、訴訟程序及相關救濟程序』等層面。
主旨:本院已將民事訴訟法第四百六十六條第一項所定上訴第三審之利益額數,提高為新台幣一百五十萬元,並訂於 中華民國九十一年二月八日 起實施,請 查照。
大法官會議解釋:釋字第574號 (節錄)
J. Y. Interpretation No.574 (excerpts from the No.574)
Holding(excerpts):The right to institute legal actions referred to in Article 16 of the Constitution is available when the people ’ s rights are infringed and fair legal proceedings may be resorted to in seeking certain remedy from the courts. The trial instances, procedures and relevant requisites to be followed by the legal actions shall be justified by the legislative authority under laws by taking into consideration the type, nature and purpose of the legal actions, as well as the function of litigious systems. According to the provisions of Article 466 of the Code of Civil Procedure with respect to appeal against the court’s judgment of the second trial instance in a case concerning property rights, whether an appeal is claimable against the judgment of the second trial instance should depend on whether the concerned party’s benefit arising from the appeal will exceed a specific amount or not. In other words, because legislators want to avoid wasting the limited national judicial resources, they have to examine the function of the remedial system at the third trial instance and the attributes of the matters, in order to establish the relationship of private law and to maintain fair and reasonable restrictions under the social order; therefore, no violation of Articles 16 and 23 of the Constitution is constituted.
◎帝謙法律事務所官方網站 :http://www.dclaw.tw |